Maple Bladder Gall Mites

January 24th, 2023

 Maple Bladder Gall Mites, which are also called Vasates quadripedes, are small mites that can infest maple trees. They are feeding on the sap that the maple leaf produces but it can be very detrimental to the tree. A Maple tree that has been infected by these mites can be seen to have the formation of galls or growth on maple leaves.

You may have even seen these mites work even though they are the size of a needle head. The Galls that mites create are often green and yellow but can also be red or brown as they age. Often seen on the surface of the leaf these galls can cause the leaf to curl and shrivel in some cases falling off the branch. This however does not have a direct effect on the tree’s strength or structure.

When it comes to preventing mites the industry standard is to use a variety of insecticides. The amount and time that these insecticides are applied are crucial to whether or not they work. There are strict instructions and standards that have to be followed when using such insecticides. Tree companies such as Yarnell Tree have the knowledge and education to properly go about the application.

Other preventative measures include being aware of the disease and using caution when around it. If you come across any leaves infested with mites they should be destroyed away from other trees. When planting maple trees it is important to not overcrowd that area. This can make spread easier and can create a hot and humid environment in that mites can thrive.

By using these methods and taking proper precautions, we can all prevent the spread of mites and enjoy the beauty of maple leaves.